Hon. Esmon Saimon

Vanuaaku Pati (VP)

Contact Address:
Parliament of Vanuatu
PMB 9052
Port Vila
Phone: +67833060
Basic Information
Constituency: Malekula
Parliamentary Appointment:
Re -elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 2020
Re -elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 2016
Re -elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 2012
Re -elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 2008
Re -elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 2004
Re -elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 2002
Elected to the Parliament of Vanuatu for Malekula Constituency in 1998
Parliamentary Committee Appointments:
Member of Committee on standing Orders Review, 3 May 2014
Ministerial Appointments:
Minister of Justice and Social Welfare, Appointed on 20 April 2020
Speaker of Parliament, Elected on 11 February 2016 to 6 September 2019
Minister of infrastructure and Public Works, Appointed on 23 March 2013
Second Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Elected on 29 July 2004
Minister of Ni- Vanutau Business, Appointed on 18 February 2011 - 17 May 2011
Minister of NI-Vanuatu Business and Cooperatives, Appointed on 22 September 2008
South West Bay Primary school, Malekula, 1964 - 1969
Laindua Primary School, South West Bay, Malekula, 1970 - 1974
Occupation before entering Parliament:
Secretary to South West Bay Cooperative Society, 1978 - 1982
Private Business entrepreneur (Retail and Fishing), 1983 - 1998
Member for Malampa Province, 1992 - 1996
Year of birth: 28 October 1955
Home island:Malekula


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