Leader of Opposition

The Leader of Opposition is a title traditionally held by the Leader of largest party not in government in a Parliamentary democracy. In Parliament, the Leader of Opposition is seen as the alternative Prime Minister to the incumbent and in the Westminster system heads a rival government known as Opposition.

Roles and duties of the Opposition:

  • The Leader of Opposition sits at the central table in the Chamber in front of the Opposition and directly Opposite the Prime Minister.
  • The Leader of opposition takes the lead in Opposition debate on Bills, directing questions to the government during Question Time and criticizing government policy that the Opposition disagrees with.
  • After the Prime Ministers Speech in the House, the Leader of Opposition usually has the right to reply, which means being given equal time to speak on the issue.
  • Provide strong and clear leadership in the co-ordination of alternative policies, strategies and service delivery.
  • Represent the Opposition to a high standard in providing a strong competent and powerful figure to represent the Opposition within the authority.
  • Chairing Meetings in which the Opposition discuss policies and examine bills and presenting alternative policies to the government.
  • Provide a political leadership for an Opposition group.
  • The Opposition is able to criticize freely about the actions of the government and should fall free to give opinion to the public on what they have noticed by the Constitution .
  • The Leader of Opposition is a political figurehead for the Opposition group and be the principal political spokesperson for the opposition and lead shadow Executive which he is alternative shadow Prime Minister.
  • Lead an official opposition shadow cabinet which scrutinizes the actions of the cabinet led by the Prime Minister.
  • The Opposition must show itself responsible and should act like states-man-like manner and show the action of loyal opposition by making counter proposals and try to encourage government to improve action in general interest.
  • A healthy opposition has a power to influence the government action and make alternative ways so that government should be conscious about the relationship with the Opposition inside and outside Parliament.
  • Asking the Government to explains its actions.
  • Opposition Members affiliate on standing committees that examine bills, reports and important national issues.




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