The key responsibilities of Committee on Institution are:

  1. To inquire into and consider any question related to National Government institutions such as the State Office, the Parliament, the Judiciary, the Public Service Commission, the Ombudsman Office, the Auditor-General Office, the Public Prosecutor Office, the Public Solicitor Office, the Electoral Commission, the Government Departments, the Decentralization Projects as provided in the Constitution with the view of assessing the performance of the said institutions;

  2. To report to Parliament on the performance of the institutions of Government and their ability to fulfill their roles and required under the Constitution;

  3. To recommend and report to Parliament as to what corrective actions are to be undertaken to review the institutions of Government through procedural changes or institutional reforms;

  4. To review the existing Standing Orders of Parliament from time to time and report to Parliament with such comments as it thinks fit, any rules of procedures of parliamentary practice in those Standing Orders to which the Committee is of the opinion that the attention of Parliament should be directed;

  5. To report to Parliament any changes which the Committee thinks desirable or any alteration which the Committee thinks fit in the interpretation of the Speaker’s ruling;

  6. To enquire into any question in connection with the parliamentary rules of procedures and practice which is referred to it by Parliament and to report to Parliament upon that question;

  7. To review from time to time Members Expenses and Allowances as provided for in the Members (Expenses and Allowances) Act [CAP. 109] (as amended) and to report to Parliament upon that case for its determination;

  8. To examine and, from time to time, ascertain privileges, immunities, entitlements and parliamentary rights of Members as provided under Article 27 of the Constitution of the Republic of Vanuatu;

  9. To consider any question as to whether a Member has been validly sued, arrested, charged and detained in compliance with the provisions of the Article 27 of the Constitution, and to report to Parliament for its determination;

  10. To inquire into any case of contempt of Parliament which is referred to it by Parliament, and to report to Parliament for its determination;

  11. To research, enquire and formulate a Code of Ethics and Integrity for Members of Parliament;

  12. To report on the formulated Code to Parliament for its approval; and

  13. To implement the Code;

  14. To consider and examine Government bills and report to Parliament;

  15. To consider and examine annual reports of Government Ministries and report to Parliament;

  16. To receive briefings or initiate inquiries onto matters related to the subject areas of the Committee;

  17. To consider and examine any Order made by a Minister under an enactment related to the subject areas of the Committee;

  18. To consider any matter, business and question as may be referred by Parliament from time to time; and

  19. Include such other duties as assigned to the Committee by the Standing Orders approved by Parliament

13th Legislature Committee on Institutional and Constitutional Affairs

# Members of Parliament  Position   
1 Hon. Marcellino BARTHELEMY
2 Hon. Sakaes LULU
3 Hon. James BULE
4 Hon. Samsen SAMSON
5 Hon. Andrew S. KALPOILEP
6 Hon. Jack WONA
7 Hon. Justin NGWELE


© Parliament of the Republic of Vanuatu 2024