During the First Extraordinary Session of 2024, Parliament unanimously passed Motions Number 4and 5 of 2024 establishing two additional
Standing Committees; the Committee on Climate Change and Health Committee.
The Leader of the Opposition, the Honorable Ismael KALSAKAU, commented on the motion, saying that the Opposition blog would not support the creation of the additional committees and would seek advice from the Attorney General's Office. However, the majority of the House passed the motion and appointed the members of these committees, while the opposition has yet to submit the names of the members of the additional committees.
" A Parliamentary Standing Committee called "HEALTH COMMITTEE" has the following responsibilities; General Policy on Health, Non-Communicable Disease, Mental Health, Environmental Health, Health Medical equipment, Oral Health, Sanitation and Hygiene, Malaria control Plan, Clinical Services and Primary Health Care". The motion described the responsibilities of the two Committees.
" A Parliamentary Standing Committee Called " COMMITTEE ON CLIMATE CHANGES" which has the following subject areas: Climate change, adaption change, meteorology, Geo-hazard, Environment, Energy and Disaster Management".
Parliament is expecting the two extra committees to undertake their work soon.
Following are the members of the two extra standing committees;
The Health Committee;
Hon. Simil Youse. K. Johnson, as Chairperson
Hon. Esmon SIMON as Vice-Chairman
Hon. Andrew S. NAPUAT as Member
Hon. Jotham NAPAT, as Member
Hon. Jotham NAPAT, as Member
(3 Members of the opposition)
Committee on Climate Change
Hon. Joshua L. PIKOUNE, as Chairperson
Hon. Anthony HARRY as Vice-Chairperson
Hon. Jack N. KALMET, as Member
Hon. John W. TIMAKATA, as Member;
(3 Members of the the Opposition)