Hon. Simeon Seoule, Speaker of Parliament, launched on Friday 24th May 2024, the new ICT products of Parliament.

These products include;

  • New Parliament Website
  • New Parliament INTRANET
  • ICT Policy
  • ICT Training & Development Plan
  • ICT Road Map or Strategic Plan
  • ICT Disaster Recovery Plan

These products are built internally by the Parliament ICT team under the leadership of Mr. Ezra Dick, Manager of ICT.

Congratulating the Parliament ICT team on their accomplishment, the Hon. Speaker also stated that Parliament needs to keep modernising its ICT Systems to fulfil its legislative role properly. He also said that these products will enhance the work of Parliamentarians and the Parliament Secretariat.

Mr. Ezra declared with pride that these products are home-grown. He continued by saying that it was for the first time after independence for Parliament to create and own these products. He conveyed his sincere appreciation to his hardworking staff.

These products will improve the use of ICT equipment in Parliament and aid in the public dissemination of information.

Indeed, it is a significant accomplishment for the Vanuatu Parliament.



© Parliament of the Republic of Vanuatu 2024